The Handloom Sector is the second largest employment opportunity in India, providing employment to 65 lakhs person. The Handloom Sector represents the continuity of the age-old heritage of hand weaving and reflects the Socio-cultural tradition of the weaving communities. Majuli is a Handloom weaving potential area. A visitors may hear the sound of loom almost at every household in Majuli and this phenomenon is more prominent in Tribal dominated area. A semi commercial approach has been developed in Majuli after rigorous efforts by the Department through various State level, Central Sector and Centrally sponsored Schemes. The unique features of this area is that every Tribal household has at least one Handloom and every Tribal women know the art of weaving. The people of this area mostly used throw Shuttle loom though frame loom and Jacquard loom is also available to some extent. Weavers are using Draw boy system for designing purposes.
The Handloom & Textiles dept open its 1st Office in the year 1982 and since then the Dept. is helping the weavers for their economic upliftment.
DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE : As on 11-07-2022
- Superintendent..................................... 1 No.
- Sr. Inspector / Auditor (Co-op).............. 1 Nos. (Vacant-1)
- Inspector .............................................. 3 Nos.
- Instructor.............................................. 1 No.
- Sr. Asstt. ............................................... 1 No. ( Vacant-1 )
- Demonstrator....................................... 7 Nos.( Vacant - 3 nos.)
- Jr. Asstt. ................................................ 1 Nos.( Vacant-1)
- Driver .................................................... 1 No. (Vacant-1)
- Grade-IV ............................................... 8 Nos.( Vacant- 5 nos.)
- Wage earner ......................................... 2 Nos.
- Office of the Superintendent, Handloom & Textiles, Majuli.............. 1 No. at Kamalabari.
- Weavers Extension Service Unit (WESU)............ 2 Nos. at Kamalabari & Jengraimukh.
- Handloom Training Centre .................................... 1 No. at Kamalabari.
Fulam Gamocha, Mekhela Chaddar, Tongali, Chelleng Chadder, Mibu Galuk, Gero, Ribi Gaseng, erkok and Miri Jim etc.
Work profile of various Offices
Name of the Office |
Work Profile |
Office of the Superintendent , Handloom & Textiles, Majuli, Kamalabari. |
1 |
Inspection and supervision of all the subordinate Office and also implementing various schemes.
Office of the Instructor, Handloom Training Centre, Kamalabari, Majuli. |
1 No. |
There is 1 (one) No. Handloom Training Centre and the Centre is situated at Kamalabari. One year Training in Artesian course in Handloom Technology is given in the centre. The intact capacity is 20 (twenty) Nos. per year. A sum of Rs. 80/-(eighty) is provided to the Trainees per month as stipend.
Office of the Inspector, Weavers Extension and Service Unit, Kamalabari and Jengraimukh, Majuli. |
2 Nos. |
There are 2 (two) Nos. of W. E. S. Unit in Majuli namely Kamalabari & Jengraimukh. Yarns are given to the weavers through these units. Weavers produce the cloth as per direction/guidance given by the technical person of the department. The weavers are paid weaving charges and Sale of cloth is done through the unit.
Different ongoing/proposed Scheme of Handloom & Textile under Majuli District.
1. Economic Upliftment of weavers through Handloom Weaving : The Scheme is implement for Economic growth of weavers under weavers S.H.G. The scheme is a package of Skill up-gradation, basic input and raw materials. The training is imparted to the selected weavers on modern Handloom with draw boy attachment .The weavers get stipend, looms &accessories and raw materials after completion of training. Total 8(eight) nos. weavers SHG are selected and sanction an amount of Rs. 15.00 lakh for the scheme during the year 2020-21.
2. Yarn Bank Scheme : The Yarn Bank has been setup at Majuli District by ARTFED at Kamalabari. The main object of the scheme is to provide 30% subsidies Yarn at Mill gate price through Yarn Pass Book. There are near about 1500 nos. pass book holder weavers are purchase 1595.00 kg. value Rs. 8,55,291.00 of yarn last year and they get Rs. 3,54,034.00 as subsidy.
3. Assam Agribusiness Rural Transformation Project (APART) : The scheme is implemented by the Directorate, Handloom & Textiles, Assam, Guwahati -1 with financial support from world Bank. The scheme is inaugurated on January,2019 and it will be within the period of 7(seven) years. There are 500(five hundred) nos. beneficiaries who are engaged in Eri & Muga sector selected from Majuli District for the scheme. The main objects of the scheme are to increase the production of Eri & Muga fibre, cloth as per National & International market demand and creation of a Brand for National & International market. The beneficiary will be provided skill up-gradation, state level workshop, exposure visit, introducing modern technology , introducing new design , produce value added cloth etc. There are 3(three) nos. Training programme on Design, Natural Dyeing and Weaving are already completed in Majuli District and 75 (ten) nos. weavers are participate in the programme.
Future Plane:-
1. Economic Upliftment of Weavers through Handloom Weaving Scheme:-.
i) Detail Plan and Estimate of the Scheme : 3 nos. of Handloom SHG covered under the Scheme and Total amount of Rs.7.25 lakhs is estimated cost of the Scheme.
ii) Nature of the work : Skill up gradation , Provide looms accessories and working capital.
2. Skill up gradation training for unemployed educated weavers under SAMARTH Scheme.
3. Cluster Development Project:- i) Detail plan and estimate of the scheme:- 343 nos. of handloom weavers will be cover under the scheme and Total amount of Rs. 195.00 Lakhs is estimated cost of the scheme. ii) Nature of works:- Skill up gradation, Provide looms & accessories , work shed, Jacquard machine etc.