The island has large numbers of wetlands, river and rivulets, which constitute important fisheries resources for the people. There are with enormous potentiality in the form of flood prone wet lands, low lying area, derelict water bodies, large number of community tanks and other small home stead ponds in the district which provides scope for nutritional security, fish production as well as employment generation. Most of such areas become temporary water bodies in rainy season, holding water for a period of 6 -8 months. The capture ponds are naturally stocked during floods and culture ponds are used for aquaculture.
Table- 1 Different water resources available in Majuli.
SI NO. |
Resources |
Water spread area in ha |
1 |
River Fisheries 4 nos |
330 km |
2 |
Registered Beel (9 Nos.) |
379.0 |
3 |
Un Registered Beel |
640.0 |
4 |
Derelict water bodies, swamps |
2388.0 |
5 |
Ponds &Tanks 3534 nos |
696.0 |
6 |
AFDC Beel (7 Nos.) |
362.0 |
7 |
Paddy field, canals and low lying areas |
3949.0 |
8 |
Wet land / small beel |
51.0 |
Table -2 Fish Farm in Govt. Sector
Name of the Farm |
Water area in ha. |
Any Scope for Development |
Remarks |
1 |
Rawnapara Fish Farm |
4.0 |
Prop. For dev. For signature project. |
Defunct stage |
2 |
Kamalabari Fish |
1.0 |
Reclamation to be done for culture. |
Defunct stage |
Total |
5.0 |
Table-3 Total Existing Culture area and most practicing culture practice.
Resources |
Water area in ha. |
Culture Practice |
Ponds and Tanks |
696.0 |
Capture area (ha) |
Traditional culture area (ha) |
Scientific culture area (ha) |
Pig cum Fish culture area (ha) |
696 |
420 |
246 |
30.0 |
Traditionally Fishery has been associated with poor and illiterate a person who belongs to the weaker sections of the society. Only a fraction of water areas has been utilized under scientific fish culture method. Out of 30.0 ha Pig cum Fish Culture area only 10.0 ha water areas has been utilized under Scientific Culture method.
Table-4 Fish Seed Production and Requirement during the last four years
Year |
Fish Seed production (Nos in lakhs) |
Requirement of Fish Seed (Nos in lakhs) |
Remarks |
2019-20 |
6.5 |
27.0 |
Fry-Fingerlings brought from other dist. And rearing of seed. Hapa breeding and hatchery operation carried out in the dist. |
2020-21 |
6.8 |
29.8 |
2021-22 |
36 |
45.0 |
2022-23 |
30 |
55.0 |
Table-5 Fish Production and Nutritional demand during the last four years.
Year |
Fish Production (MT) |
Nutritional Demand of Fish (MT) |
Remarks |
2018-19 |
3304 |
2890 |
Natural production greatly reduced in beels and wet land due to flood protection devices. |
2019-20 |
3417 |
2960 |
2020-21 |
5417 |
3454 |
2021-22 |
3521 |
3635 |
There is good demand of Fish in the island. The major part of fish catch of Majuli has sent to Jorhat and Golaghat market. The fish caught in the morning has sent to Jorhat and fish caught in the evening are sold locally within Majuli district. Fish did not come to Majuli from outside states except in the lean period.
Scope of natural fishery resources development such as beel.
Majuli is endowed with potential rich fisheries resources in the form of wetlands, Dead River, etc. Majuli is also rich in diverse ichthyofauna with almost all fresh water species available in the state. The beels of the Majuli district can be categorized as small beels less than 100 ha water area. Only 10% of beels of Majuli are in good condition and rest is in derelict and semi derelict condition. Mainly unregistered beels are in small size and not in good condition at all. Present yield from the beels are 450 kg/ha/yr (average) which is far below than their production potential.
Beels are very rich in nutrients and have a great production potential. Some of the beels of Majuli Island are perennial and these water bodies can be stocked in the month of Oct-Nov and fish can be harvested in the month of March-April.
Development of beel fisheries is important because of it provides source of livelihood to many families. Moreover it has high production capacity up to 1000 kg/ha/yr and also beels act as breeding and nursery ground of many fishes.
Name of Component & Work
Target in (Ha/unit) (DLC approved) |
Total no. of Benf |
Total estimated Cost Rs. In Lakhs |
Total no of Benf. Completed
Physical Progress
Construction of Pond & Estb. Of Fish Seed Hatchery |
1 no |
1 no |
25.0 |
1 no |
100% |
Construction of Pond & Estb. Of Fish Seed Hatcher |
7.0 Ha. |
31 nos. |
49.00 |
22 nos. |
70% |
Construction of New Pond (individual |
15 Ha. |
59 nos |
186.00 |
54 Nos |
91% |
Inputs for Integrated Fish Farming |
18 Ha. |
74 nos |
18.00 |
48 nos |
65% |
Small Bio Floc |
3 nos |
3 nos |
22.5 |
3 nos |
70% |
Motorcycle with ice-box |
4 nos |
4 nos |
3.00 |
4 nos |
100% |
Cycle with ice-box |
4 nos |
4 nos |
0.40 |
4 nos |
100% |
Boats and Nets for Fishers |
1 nos |
1 nos |
5.00 |
1 no |
50% |
Livelihoods support for Fishers |
1200 nos |
1200 nos |
54.0 |
1200 |
100% |
Name of Component & Work
Target in (Ha/unit) (DLC approved) |
Total no. of Benf |
Total estimated Cost Rs. In Lakhs |
Total no of Benf. Completed
Physical Progress
construction of New Rearing Tank(Individual) |
3.0 Ha. |
28 nos. |
21.00 |
1 no |
4% |
Construction of New Pond (individual) |
3.0 Ha. |
12 nos |
25.20 |
1 no |
8% |
Inputs for Integrated Fish Farming |
6.0 Ha. |
38 nos |
6.00 |
0 |
0% |
Small Bio Floc |
2 nos |
2 nos |
15.0 |
0 |
0% |
Motorcycle with ice-box |
3 nos |
3 nos |
2.25 |
0 |
0% |
Cycle with ice-box |
12 nos |
12 nos |
1.20 |
0 |
0% |
Recreational Fisheries |
1 nos |
1 nos |
50.00 |
0 |
0% |
Stocking of Fish fingerlings in wet land |
6.0 ha |
20 nos |
0.18 |
0 |
0% |
Sl. No |
Name of schemes |
Total units (Ha./No.) |
Govt Share (Rs in Lakh) |
1 |
RKVY-RAFTAAR a. Fish farming in Existing Pond- (16 nos) b. Low laying Dev. In to Community Tank- (2nos.) |
2.0 ha 2.0 ha |
1.50 13.0 |
2 |
RIDF XXVI- a. Medium Fish Feed Mill- 1 no. b. 3 wheelers vehicles with ice box- 4 nos. |
1 no. 4 nos |
64.0 9.6 |
Some photographs of schemes and other activities-