Sri Sri Bengena Ati Satra

Bengena Ati Satra

This Sattra belongs to the Purush Sanghati which gives less lever age to Bhakat and Naam as compared to the other components of Sattra, like Devand Guru.

The Bengenati Sattra is located along the Northern bank of the Brahmaputra River. Apebbled road built by the P.W.D. runs along the Southern edge of the property. The Sattra campus extends over a large area.The entire area can be broadly classified under two categories, the site and the green setting around the site.

All the components of the site are placed within a rectangular area. The land form of the site is flat and is on a slightly elevated level as compared to its immediate surroundings. The site can be divided into the religious zone in the centre, and the residential zone on the periphery. It accommodates all the activities related to the religious, administrative and the day to day life of the Sattra. It comprises of a prayer hall locally referred to as the 'Namghar' which is centrally located, residential units in the form of row housing on three cardinal directions leaving north for devotees known as 'Hati', the entrance gate known as 'Batchora' on the South Western side, museum on the Northern side of the site and Western side of the Sattradhikar's residence, Sattradhikar's residence and office at the Eastern side, cowsheds, ponds, open spaces for daily activities (located on the front and on the rear of the Hatis) and small kitchen gardens. Apart from the built space and associated activities and circulation space, the site has water bodies or ponds known as Pokhris. The setting of this Sattra predominantly consists of wet lands. Most part of the setting is covered with thick vegetation, aquatic plants and grass. Dense bamboo grooves and forest of mixed plant species are located around the water bodies. Thick vegetation is located along the edges of the site to create a natural buffer for the Sattra complex. The buffer zone of this Sattra supports and helps to maintain the bio-diversity of this area. A significant part of the buffer zone is maintained as grazing land for the animals by the Sattra administration. Anykindof construction activity is strictly barred in this area.

The occupants of the Sattra can be broadly classified into two categories the Sattradhikar and the Bhakats. The Sattradhikar is the religious and the administrative head of the Sattra and all the devotees who stays permanently within the Sattra are known as Bhakats. They are responsible for different kinds of duties related to the Sattra activities. These duties vary from administrative, maintenance, religious, and religious cum cultural activities.